What is Darklands Online by Gamestotal.com?
After failure of 3700 AD and 3800 AD to integrate well into the Unification Wars universe, Stephen decided to create a game from stratch that is based on Unification Wars but set in a fantasy universe that features dungeon, dragons and magic.

The game features a graphical interface for the player with beautiful artwork. So each player will have his/her own town that can be upgraded to different town or city levels.
Instead of a vast army, the player will control a maximum of 5 hero for offensive, and 5 hero for deferensive warfare that includes 2 hero reinforcements from nearby ally towns.
The game is set that all units will be card based, this is set in a time where card based game have yet to be mainstream and hardly any game is based on cards.
The game reached beta stage with over 10,000 beta players registered to try the game giving very good response and rating from players who have tried and tested the game. Sadly also during this time Stephen has started a new venture HobbyNCoffee ( which will eventually evolve into MalaysiaBarista ) taking most of Stephen time, having over worked handling 2 projects at the same time, Stephen took a breather from Darklands Online sadly never manage to return to it. The game was left in beta for over 6 years before Stephen decided to discontinue Darklands Online.

Below is sample screenshots of the game

Battle lotting

New Item or Skills Cards from looting monster fight

Character sheet and inventory. Inventory page have been completed, this is the old screenshot.

Temporary alpha map without graphics


Various towns own by NPC
